I just watched a movie called W.
Oliver Stone directed Josh Brolin in the role of George W. Bush.
Brolin's Bush is fantastic.
He actually made me a bit sympathetic to ol' George.
I despise what Bush' s year reign of idiocy did to the world. But in his portrayal, Brolin shows him as a man who never had an interest in politics but felt it was the only way to impress George Sr. and win his approval. Junior was happiest running a baseball team.
It doesn't shy away from his stupidity, but it does show that if you met W at a BBQ he'd probably be an alright kinda guy. As the leader of the free world... not so much.
The challenge for an actor to portray a historical figure, especially one that is still living, is great.
Meryl Streep was flawless as former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Of course when isn't Streep flawless? But there was also that personal level, that which makes them human, that we don't often see in so many of our leaders. When an actor can bring that, it is something remarkable.
Of course there are always limitations.
I wonder if anyone could make a movie that actually made Stephen Harper seem human?
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