Monday, September 1, 2014

summer sigh

I knew this day would come.
This day, the 1st of September.
The end of the summer.

Sure there are still nice days ahead, but it's just not the same.
September is here. There is a feeling.
It was cool this weekend, so cool I had to shut my window for the first time in months.
Today it was so humid there was no relief.
Welcome to the East Coast.

I knew this day would come.
And it hits me with a panicked thought...
Now, every swim might be the last. 

It wasn't a bad summer. It wasn't a great summer. It was a fast summer.
Where it went, I still can't say. It washed away like sand in the tide. It was unstoppable.
It was a blur.

But there were beaches.
Not as often as I would like, but then it could never be enough.

The season was off to such a great start, as swimming began in early June. It was unbelievably warm, probably due to Hurricane Arthur that blew up the east coast. And though it didn't stay that warm, there were still some great days in the sand, sea and surf.

Kingsberg, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia

And I managed to grab a few shots that I really liked
local oysters, local wine, local ocean

clam of clam harbour

eagle in wolfville
somewhere near annapolis royal

Cooked a bit..

watermelon and cucumber gazpacho

Then more beaches
queensland beach, nova scotia

melberby beach, nova scotia

and some time enjoying my city

As I said, not a bad summer.
I just don't know where it went.

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