I come here often.
I log in, stare at the page, knowing I should write something. I started a blog to write things. But then I get overwhelmed.
Not for lack of material- hell, I've got more than enough floating around in this echo-y head of mine, bouncing around like rubber balls in a stainless steel room.
The problem is, which of those thoughts to put here.
Should this space be used for work related issues? Moments of self discovery? Recipes? Trips to the beach? Poetry? Lyrics?( mine or someone else?) Photographs? Memories and observations? Things that piss me off?
These are all things prominent in my life, and each could have their own blog. I have a hard enough time keeping one, I couldn't do more than that. I wouldn't. I shouldn't.
But why can't it be about everything? Does there have to be a theme? Why can't everything be... enough?
I've always had a thing about perfection. If I can't be perfect at something immediately, then I am frustrated and don't want to do it. Or beat myself up over it.
Someone once told me I needed to give myself permission to be human.
I didn't much care for that comment.
Another reason I started a blog was to discipline myself, make myself WRITE. So perhaps if I just put something in, even if it is just one line, then I am at least fulfilling that purpose.
So perhaps that's what I'll do. So it will be as congested and noisy as my brain. At least I will be putting something out there. At least I will be getting something done.
We'll see...
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