Wednesday, April 15, 2015

at the feet of giants

For me, the most moving monuments in Washington were the Lincoln Memorial and the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
Here were two men, fighting the same cause, 100 years between them. And both men were killed  for what they believed. 
I found it very humbling to stand there at the feet of these great men of principle. 

Also impressive is the memorial to Thomas Jefferson, who opposed slavery and whose eloquent words helped shape a nation...

I am always amazed at those giants who have left their mark splashed across history's pages

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

and there it was

Spring came in a breath.
It flew in. Or rather, I flew in to Spring.
And it was as lovely as I had hoped.

Washington DC played host to millions of people for the Cherry Blossom Festival.

It truly is a wonderful city. The last two times I have been in DC I've didn't have a chance to explore and appreciate it as I did this time. It is so wonderful to see in person the monuments and landmarks that appear in so many movies, television shows and photographs. And history.

And seeing it through the blossoms of thousands of cherry trees made it even better.
It was a photog's dream.

Everywhere was a cloud of pink and white. 

The majority of the trees are around the Tidal Basin, accented with the sight of many familiar landmarks and monuments. 
nothing says spring like blossoms bursting around a great phallic symbol 

millions come to see the blossoms.. I believe they were all there on this day

It was so uplifting to be where everything was growing 
When I left Halifax there was three feet of ice. A few hours later it was soft spring perfectly popping pinks.
Instantly joyous. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

springing spring

a real snow bird

This morning it snowed. Again.
It started in January and it hasn't stopped. 
Piles and banks of snow.
And this morning it snowed again. 

Many Nova Scotians woke up bitter at the sight.
As for me,  I've done what I've done for the last two months- I've decided to see the beauty in it.
And then I take photos. 

even the birds be like "what the f-??"

But there is another reason I'm not bitter about the weather. 
Tomorrow I won't have to worry about the snow. 
Tomorrow I will see Spring. 
Tomorrow I will head to Washington, DC for the Cherry Blossom Festival

I realize I may sound smug. That is not my intent. 
We've all hated those people hitting the tanning beds for trips to Cuba, DR or Jamaica this winter.
I don't mean to rub it in. 
But at this point it is every snowman for himself.
It's not about a Caribbean vacation, it's about seeing something bloom. 

Although I've been to DC before, I have never been during cherry blossom time and I look forward to taking so many many pictures.

not my picture, but I hope to take lots more like it

The last time I was there I lost all my photos of the monuments so I look forward to getting those shots again.  But mostly, I'm looking forward to the smell. The fragrance of grass and mud and blossoms. The smell of Spring. 
I'm also looking forward to not wearing boots. Or coats. Or layers of clothing.
And temperatures above 0 °C

um.. I'll take the one on the right please... my right.. 

So Spring, if you won't come to me, I will come to you.
Tomorrow it will be Spring.