Tuesday, January 27, 2015

from kings to rings and other things

Rather than post my shot of the day individually, I've decided to put a week together. From snow to macro, from Kings to rings.. onion rings that is... this was my week

January 27
was the day of our first winter storm of the year. It didn't seem so bad from the window so I thought I would try to venture out to work . The snow was icy pellets and the ground underneath the snow was slippery. After the bus slid onto the curb I took it as a sign to go back home and work from there

January 28 was my first time practicing with a micro lens. I tried to get a detailed close-up picture of Marley's eye, but he was not very cooperative (qu'elle surprise). This was the best I could get

January 29 was one of those rare occasions where I was craving meat. This was my first visit to Krave Burger on Spring Garden. I was just happy it wasn't Rotten Ronnie's

January 30 I spotted this card twice in two different locations in the city (what odds?) I think the Sidewalk King is following me

Seeing it all laid out like this... aaah the glamour of it all. 
Perhaps I don't have to post every day's photo...

Sunday, January 25, 2015

mind games

January 25 was a lovely day to visit the Halifax Central Library. I love this new space, and enjoy seeing so many use it in so many ways. I didn't ask for permission to take this shot, because I didn't want to interrupt the obvious intense concentration

I'd let you watch, I would invite you
But the queens we use would not excite you

Saturday, January 24, 2015

just a little green

January 24 and it's always in the winter that I am drawn to green things. Perhaps because it is what we crave in this season. Also this bowl of limes and avacados made a very lovely guacomole

writing this to keep my head from exploding

Social media is a funny thing.

I've got a love-hate relationship going on with Facebook.
When I first joined, it was with the intention of connecting with family and close friends, to share pictures, to keep an eye on growing children and milestones of those I love. It was a way to stay in touch.

I had friend requests from aquaintances and from people I didn't know at all.
I politely declined. I just didn't want people to have access to my life.
But then it became necessary for work, as certain notices are posted to Facebook. So I started allowing aquaintances. In a lot of ways, it has been great, allowing me to get to know them better through their postings. Some people I started to allow because we had many mutual friends and it seemed rude not to accept.

So, in the world of social media, as it is in the real world,  there are many different people with many different beliefs and ideas. Some I find interesting, some not, and some I disagree with wholeheartedly. But there are filters, so I can choose to keep people on my friend's list and just not have them appear in my news feed. Rarely do I show people the ol' Facebook door. But I did today.

For the most part, I try to keep my posts light.
There is no need for me to air my linens in cyber public. That is my choice, and everyone is inclined to put out whatever they like.  I may not agree, I may not believe, but I do respect. To a point.
When it comes to predjudice, bigotry and hatred, I have to pull the plug.

One thing I will post are things I believe are important- usually stories from Amnesty or ones that have caught my attention that I feel need to have more attention. That's a great thing about social media- getting the message across the planet. There are causes about which I am very passionate and so I share posts and petitions that will help animals, or that show injustice or denial of Human Rights. I will stand up every time against persecution by racism, sexism, and homophobia.

So here's the point.
Yesterday I posted a story about homophobic actions perpetrated in the name of Christianity. Last night I received a message from an acquaintance who is "Christian". I put the word "Christian" in quotation marks because their actions are nowhere near the definition.

  1. 1.
    of, relating to, or professing Christianity or its teachings.
    "the Christian Church"
    -having or showing qualities associated with Christians, especially those of decency, kindness, and fairness.
She told me that I shouldn't post so many things in support "the gays agenda" as people would think that I was gay too.

My initial response was Go Fuck Yourself.
Then I erased it.

I started again. I wanted to be calm but clear.
"Dear hateful hypocrite..."
Nope. Not effective.
Backspace backspace backspace.
"First of all, if someone things I'm gay or straight is of no consequence to me. Being gay is not a bad thing. It's the same as being accused of being a human.  It just is. Love is never wrong. But I will not stand for hatred or persecution of any kind. I have many friends who are gay, lesbian, transgendered, straight. I also have friends who are black, brown, yellow, white. Some are Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Pagan, Atheist and Christian. I love them because they are kind, decent people. If they weren't, they wouldn't be my friends. You may want to look up the definition of Christianity before you bastardize it further."

Her response was to send me bible verse upon bible verse. 
Once again I had to delete my impulsive reply and start again. Twice.

"We could toss chapter and verse around for days. "Judge not.. " "the least of my brothers".. and the usual.. But I have learned that it is a waste of breath and time to argue with someone who lives in hate. To live in hate is to be angry. To be angry is to be fearful. To be fearful is to be aggressive. To be aggressive is to be hurtful. And I'm not interested in anyone who wants to cause hurt and harm to another.
I am not Christian but I do know that the teachings of Christ come down to Love One Another. If your god is so great and powerful, he doesn't need you to defend him. Why don't you try living your life and let others do the same?
 And by the way, I'm not sure what you mean by "gay agenda". The only "gay agenda" I know is to be fabulous. "

I also attached this graphic

Perhaps I was foolish to expect that this was the end of it. But the next note came, explaining her duty to bring the word of god and the light of Christ to those poor souls who will otherwise be condemned to the fires hell.
It was time to stop giving this any more attention. 

"I'm not sure why you requested me as a friend on Facebook. We have nothing in common but a few friends. Your ideals are as offensive to me as mine are to you, so let's call it a day. I will remove you from my friend list and save us both the head exploding rage of future posts. I have no interest in engaging in a debate with a brick wall, and I'm sure you have a cross you could be burning on somebody's lawn."
And that is the beauty of social media; the ability to make someone disappear. 

I love Mankind.
I just have trouble with individuals.

Friday, January 23, 2015

photographs and memories

January 23 reminded me that my love of photography started when I was very young. My dad had a Brownie Hawkeye Camera as a young man, and still had it when I was a kid. He gave it to me and I actually took photos with it. This isn't his original camera, but one I've just acquired for nostalgia and decor purposes

Thursday, January 22, 2015

eleven eleven

January 22 and there was just enough time to make a wish..

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

on again off again

January 21 is the day I finally got a picture of the on air sign on. It's become a bit of a joke for me because every time I try to take a shot, the light goes off due to my bad timing. Today- success

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

fresh faced flower found me foolishly fawning

January 20 came with a reminder that Spring isn't really that far away. This fresh faced flower brought some brightness to the day

Monday, January 19, 2015

what he said

January 19 is Martin Luther King Day. It was far too busy and far too rainy to take a shot outside so this one of my chalkboard seemed appropriate. 
I'm with MLK.
Stick with love.

ps it is hard to write with chalk

Sunday, January 18, 2015

what a difference a day makes

January 18 falls into the" what a difference a day makes" category. 

Yesterday's frigid, unbelievably cold (and painful!) temperature was replaced by a day dressed as Spring. 
It won't be long now before we can return to the ocean...

nothing can keep us apart

Saturday, January 17, 2015

keep your brass monkeys in today

January 17 was beautiful, crisp, and so cold that my phone showed me a thermometer and refused to budge until it was warmer. 
But the sunset seem to paint the trees in the south end and as far as winter days go, this was a pretty lovely one

Friday, January 16, 2015

tomatoes make me think of a john denver lyric

January 16 ends the week so I stop by Pete's Frootique for coffee and end up with heirloom tomatoes. 

As you do.

"only two things that money can't buy that's true love and home grown tomatoes"
(although I'm pretty sure I have purchased home-grown tomatoes, John...) 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

the only exercise I get

January 15 was a busy day with no time to take a proper picture. And just when I feel I'm not getting enough exercise I see this and realize I must be getting a good work out..

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

when all else fails, accessorize

January 14 and the recently fallen snow was still hanging around, like winter's way of accessorizing.

just look how it accents this gate necklace..

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

behind the news

My current contract is with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
CBC Halifax has recently moved into swanky new digs with a big open concept studio.
As I was walking by the news camera today I was treated to a different and interesting perspective.

everybody loves the sound of a train in the distance

Monday, January 12, 2015

sweet endings

January 12 ended with a lovely dinner at 2 Doors Down in Halifax with two dear and beautiful friends. 

Since time is now our hottest and hardest commodity, it's sweet to spend it connecting and catching up .. Made even sweeter by this salted caramel cheesecake with chocolate cornflakes on top

you had me at salty & sweet

Sunday, January 11, 2015

not so bleak mid-winter

Oh how I miss you.

just a few more months and we'll be together again

so long sunday

January 11 was a beautiful day spent out of the city, returning in time to catch the sun setting over the harbour

panoramic of Halifax Harbour taken from Dartmouth

Saturday, January 10, 2015

socializing and sinking balls

January 10 was a very busy day. 
As someone can find social situations quite uncomfortable, I have to say, I think I did my yearly quota of socializing today.

They were hello's and goodbyes and lining up shots

Friday, January 9, 2015

moments of magic

January 9 was a pretty ordinary day.
As I sat writing at my desk in the early morning, I happened to glance up to see the outside reflected; a snowglobe inside a snowglobe. It looked so pretty I had to stop to take a picture.

I love how the tiniest moments can insert little pieces of wonder into an ordinary day.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

new coat of paint

January 8 and in an attempt to not be a winter hermit, some friends and I hit the lanes.
What we lacked in scores, we scored in laughs
Bowling alleys make think of Tom Waits.
A Tom Waits lyric, to be exact.

                                    Let's put a new coat of paint on this lonesome old town
                                   Set 'em up, we'll be knockin' em down.
                                   You wear a dress, baby, and I'll wear a tie.
                                   We'll laugh at that old bloodshot moon in that burgundy sky

bowled over by fun

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

raison d'etre

January 7 - I pass this sign almost daily downtown and am reminded that there is a reason I am here... not in the metaphysical sense, but geographically speaking (which could be argued to be the same thing)

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

better than a barrel of monkeys

January 6 and there was only one choice for today's shot because ...
who can resist a kitty in a box?

and like that- another cat picture added to the internet

Monday, January 5, 2015

just tryin' to be the rainbow in someone's cloud

January 5 was an unusual weather day but for the most part stayed sunny. Even when it rained. Today's shot is of the rainbow that spanned the West End of the city this morning.

As I was walking, it was sunny behind me, raining on me, and there was a rainbow ahead of me..


Sunday, January 4, 2015

before the dawn before the calm before the storm

January 4 and I was up before 5 am-
before the dawn before the calm before the storm. 

I took this photo because it's one of my favorite parts of the morning, when everything is quiet and no one has to be anywhere yet..

I've chosen it as my shot of the day because there was a snow storm and I didn't leave the house to take any other shots. 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

you're always so inviting

January 3rd was a beautiful though cold day and the evening was perfect for a stroll before the storm. 

There are so many sweet and quaint sights in my neighborhood and this is one I walk by nearly every day. Although I've shot it several times, in different seasons, I always find it quite inviting

Friday, January 2, 2015

library leisure or a confession of vouyerism

January 2 was a mild and lovely day. 
I stopped by the new Halifax Central Library
Through the bookshelves I saw this guy who seemed very at home in the new space. 

I find I enjoy taking pictures of people who aren't aware they are being photographed...

Thursday, January 1, 2015

old dog, new year

Two years ago I gave myself a challenge to take a photo every day of the year.
It didn't matter how random, good or bad, but I had to commit to taking (and posting) one every day.
So for 365 days I looked for shots, and in doing so, I became a bit more disciplined and a lot more observant.
When the year ended I didn't continue, but loved to look back periodically to see what memory I had created and captured on corresponding dates.
This year I've decided to do it again.

January 1st and the belated White Christmas fell. I took a walk around the neighborhood as it was a beautiful still evening. Holy Cross Cemetery was still open so I managed to get this shot with the bright moon hanging over the chapel